Tecnocap donation to enhance patient waiting areas at Salerno Hospital, Italy

We are extremely pleased to announce that today Tecnocap has made an extraordinary gift to the Hospital of Salerno. This significant donation helps the non-profit organization “Noi donne…Soprattutto” to widen and refurbish the waiting area of the Oncology Unit at the University Hospital.

The donation allows the University Hospital to continue to deliver high-quality care while offering patients, family members, and other visitors the best possible equipment and facilities. The new configuration of the waiting area creates a more patient-centric environment and provides comfort while meeting the well-being standards of the patients.

Tecnocap group is committed to the Community Care Program which aims at donating a growing percentage of the company profits in philanthropy and contribute to the employees’ time in supporting community needs.

The public saw the new waiting room during a special health fair event on Sunday, May 17, 2015.

A place where patients and their families spend about three hours a day for treatments has to be comfortable and provide a positive atmosphere. The increased incidence of neoplastic diseases in the Western world is a real challenge for the Public Health, both in terms of organization and in terms of spending. Public structures require increasing support from the private side. It has been a worthwhile initiative which created a real sense of community”, Antida Giordano said, Communication manager at Tecnocap group.

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