Tecnocap is a trusted and unexcelled partner of global consumer brands that care about the Sustainability credentials of their on-shelf products and seek high-performance, fully recyclable, increasingly safe, attractively designed convenient packaging solutions with a low impact on the environment.
By exclusively using infinitely recyclable raw materials and driving continuous efficiency improvements in our processes through a Sustainability Operational Program we aim to reduce our Carbon Intensity Emissions (Scope 1&2) and promote a truly Circular Economy through strategic cooperation with other players of the Value Chain. We monitor our energy consumption and emissions, maximize our recycling rates, optimize the use of secondary packaging materials, manage waste appropriately and limit water usage.
Tecnocap Sustainability Report
with reference to the Universal Standard GRI 2021
The Sustainability Report aims to strengthen the relations with all Stakeholders and to provide a clear and transparent representation of both the Value Creation Model and the ESG risk management, disclosing key performance data in terms of socio-economic, environmental and ethical impact as well as inform the Stakeholders about the Sustainability credentials of the Metal Packaging solutions offered to the global market.
Limited Assurance
The Tecnocap Group’s Sustainability Report is subject to Limited Assurance by Deloitte, which certifies the adequacy of the systems for collecting, processing and sharing the data underlying the company’s sustainability performance and give an outook on the quality and completeness of the GRI disclosures included in the document.
ESG Rating
Tecnocap obtains each year from a credited Agency the analytical Rating of Sustainability performances and positioning with respect to the industry peers and key global indicators. The Rating enables management to identify and assess material aspects from the perspective of Stakeholders and orient the Sustainability Agenda towards policies and actions capable of increasing Competitiveness and Value Creation.
Our Lifecycle Assessments and the obtaining of Environmental Product Declarations.
As consumers are increasingly making purchasing decisions that align with their environmental values, we measure the environmental impact of Metal Closures, Aluminum Bottles and Aerosol Cans and continue to innovate and develop always more sustainable packaging solutions.
In order to consolidate the process of integrating ESG factors into the Value Creation Model, the Group formalized the goal of reducing by 50% Carbon Intensity Enissions Scope 1 & 2 by 2030 in all significant operations (reference year 2019) in the Strategic Business Plan and established a Corporate Sustainability Committee responsible for implementing the Action Plan.
Additional 2030 targets focus on Regenerative Welfare and Organizational Development and strengthening Strategic Cooperation with Partners along the Value Chain, with the goal of achieving a circular and responsible system for metal packaging and generating economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental protection, measurable in the short and medium term.
Steel and Aluminum used in our packaging solutions are 100% infinitely recyclable. That means our packaging can be used, reused and recycled over and over without any loss of quality. Metal packaging is the most recycled in the world, and plays an important role in the reduction of food loss and waste. Their impact resistance, barrier properties and versatility preserve food properties for a long time and minimize product loss during filling and transport. The continuous innovation and the introduction of new technologies increase resource and energy eco-efficiency reducing C02 emissions intensity throughout the metal packaging industry and contribute to a truly Circular Model.