What’s cool about manufacturing?

A series of activities and projects are planned in all the Group’s production sites in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR partnership program.

Tecnocap is a working environment that promotes talent, rewards merit, encourages change and values diversity of experience and outlook on life. Each establishment activates a diversified series of partnership tools with High School Institutions and Universities, including the offer of internships, scholarships, work placement projects and the participation in fairs and Career Days.

Tecnocap production facility opened its doors to 7th and 8th grade students, as the company took part in an educational project in partnership with Sherrard Middle School in Wheeling, West Virginia. They had the opportunity to interview production operators and managers and received information on the business model and the production process. Moreover, they were able to explore the work environment in a company close to them to which they will be able to contribute in the future with their skills and talents.

As part of the Explore the New Manufacturing initiative, the specific goal of the project is to make a Video Documentary about Tecnocap USA but the experience allowed the students to get to know and identify themselves with different company roles and to receive guidance on their future.

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