A day in the life of Irene Vignes

In August 2021, our Quality Manager, Irene Vignes, was interviewed by the «The Canmaker«magazine to talk about her life and career. The aim of the article was to highlight the importance of women in business.

Here is her interview about her work experience with us.

«After graduating in Science and Alimentary Technology, Irene Vignes specialised in quality assurance within the food sector. She worked for Kraft Foods and Pastificio Antonio Amato before joining Italian canmaker Tecnocap, in 2016.

Salerno-based Tecnocap specialises in metal caps and closures as well as alumiunium aerosol cans and bottles. It has facilities in Italy, the Czech Republic, Spain, the US and Ukraine«.

How did you get into can making?

As a consequence of my previous experiences, I happened to explore all the issues related to Food Safety and packaging innovation. Then, I started working for Tecnocap and this led to an almost natural evolution of all my previous experiences.

What are your day-to-day activities and responsibilities?

Currently, I am in charge of all the qualification processes of the headquarter’s production site in terms of third- and second-party audits. I also deal with the maintenance and the upgrade of the quality system and of the company certifications.

What is the most exciting aspect of your job?

I think that the most stimulating part of my job is the continuous engagement with clients, and undoubtedly the most challenging is the achievement of  the standardisation of the quality processes in all Tecnocap facilities worldwide.

What does it take to be a success in the industry?

I firmly believe that, as in all activities, it is crucial to have a clear vision of the objective you want to reach together with a project which includes actions, time and resources for its development. Nonetheless, the strongest point is represented by people: it is really important to create a well-balanced working team.

What developments do you see happening in the industry over the next five years?

I think that in a near future the industry will undergo a decisive digital and technological transformation. I also think that the continuous research of innovative materials will be crucial for the industry, which will produce in an increasingly sustainable way.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given, and who was it from?

My high-school teacher, who was always motivating me, said: «Do your best and always focus on the results you want to achieve». She taught me the importance of commitment and knowledge as the basis of both professional and personal growth.

Who is the person you most admire?

I admire my mother-in-law unconditionally. She is a hospital chief who managed to succeed at work in a period in which women in Italy had only recently been allowed to work, a privilege that until then, only men had.  In the ‘70s she had to go against the prejudices of previous generations which did not accept women in leadership positions. I appreciate her ability to conciliate her personal life with her work responsibilities and the fact that nowadays she still has a life full of interests.

What would be the title of your autobiography and why?

“It takes courage to become who you really are”. I chose this one because I have always reached my objectives, even when everything seemed to go against me.

What is your favourite meal and where would it be served?

I love eating pizza with friends, especially outdoors on a warm summer or spring night.

What’s your favourite canned product?

Amongst all canned products, I prefer Datterini, oblong and tasty cherry tomatoes, because of their natural, delicious, sweet and intense taste».

Screenshot of the article published on «The Canmaker»

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