The Power of Small But Concrete Actions

In synergy with its management and the local communities, Tecnocap supports the scientific research and the activity in hospitals in several countries in which the Group has its production plans, through a Corporate Social Responsibility program and strategic philanthropy actions.

Corporate Social Responsibility - Tecnocap closures, aerosols and bottles

In this sense, Tecnocap contributed to the modernization process of the neonatal medical equipment at the maternity ward of the Ukrainian hospital in Zhovkva, which will allow the operators to have a faster diagnosis of some specific pathologies and to have children checked out by the ICU onsite and only in case of severe cases the patients will be brough to specialized clinics. Among the new equipment there are: a transport incubator, an ultrasonic machine, five rehabilitation beds for newborns, three fixed incubators, two respirators, a pulse oximeter, a heart rate monitor, and an infusion pump with a single syringe.

Corporate Social Responsibility - Tecnocap closures, aerosols and bottles

The medical tools donated have been transferred from Poland to the Hospital of Zhovkva thanks to the action of the Charitable Organization “Knights of Columbus” led by Youriy Maletskiy – CEO  Tecnocap Ukraine – and then officially delivered to the Hospital in the presence of the Mayor of Zhovkva, Oleg Volskyi and the Archibishop of Lviv, Mieczyslau Mokshitsky.

Corporate Social Responsibility - Tecnocap closures, aerosols and bottles

“Tecnocap Group has been committed to the scientific research in terms of health for many years”, claimed Antida Giordano, in charge of the Corporate Social Responsibility activities, who added, “We are aware that a healthy company, well integrated in the social structure, must be able to share its needs and requirements. Thanks to the sensitivity of our partners, we offered a real help which has been an incentive for us to do always more and to improve the life quality of the communities where we operate”.

Corporate Social Responsibility - Tecnocap closures, aerosols and bottles

“We are proud of the achievement” stated Youriy Maletskiy, CEO  Tecnocap Ukraine, who then added, “We particularly care about this initiative as it allows to support the work of doctors and the nursing staff who fight every day in order to save many newborns and their mother’s lives”.

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