National Safety Day 2024 at Tecnocap Oriental Pvt. Ltd. (Murbad)

From March 4 to March 10, Tecnocap Oriental Pvt. Ltd. (Murbad) celebrated the National Safety Day and the 53rd National Safety Week.
During this week Tecnocap conducted several competitions and its employees participated with great enthusiasm.

The National Safety Day in India is observed every year starting from March 4, and it is a day focused on making workplace safety and precautionary measures a top priority. On this day, and the days after, the objective is to raise awareness of all safety regulations, to talk about potential risks and to learn how to avoid any type of workplace accidents.

Tecnocap Oriental Pvt. Ltd. (Murbad) celebrated National Safety Day and the following week as National Safety Week to reiterate the importance of safety and create an awareness campaign throughout the company (organized by Prashant Maid – EHS Department and Ramana Shetty – Head of Production).

This year the theme was: FOCUS ON SAFETY LEADERSHIP FOR E.S.G. (Environmental, Social and Governance) EXCELLENCE

The three pillars of ESG are: Environmental – organization’s impact on the planet; Social – the impact an organization has on people, including staff, customers and community; Governance – how an organization is governed.

This year the programs/competitions to enhance the awareness about the importance of safety at all levels were: Safety Oath – Safety Poster Competition – Safety Slogan Competition – Safety Quiz Competition – Spot the Hazard Competition – Training on Fire Fighting/ Safety.

On Thursday, March 14, Nihal Advani, Ramana Shetty, Sivakrishna Koppisetty and Chiara Lucia were chosen to be judges of the Safety Poster Competition: a challenge (vote from 1 to 5) among 20 illustrations about safety regulations, potential risks and workplace accidents.

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