Tecnocap for the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development

Following the success of the previous editions, and five years after the adoption of the UN 2030 Agenda, the yearly Sustainable Development Festival returned with its fifth edition from September 28 to October 14 2021.

The event was realized by the “Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile” (ASviS) and was held in such a particular moment for Italy: starting from the Covid-19 pandemic – which has completely changed our lives and habits, but has also pushed us to cope with more difficult situations, react and start again with strength, creativity and commitment.

2021 was also the year of the “National Reform and Resilience Plan”, of the G20, Cop26 and Expo 2020 in Dubai, where the ASviS is scientific partner of the Italian stand.

The fifth edition of the Festival was possible thanks to everyone’s contribution: with the commitment of several organizations all over Italy and the opening of “squares” for the sustainable development in big cities, the Festival reached, as every year, millions of people with hundreds of events to stimulate a reflection on the future of our Country, Europe and the world. The Festival is an event characterized by great participation, with the aim to spread all over the Country the culture for sustainability and the awareness of the 2030 Agenda.

Also Tecnocap gave its support: the company supplied its 100% PCR aluminum bottles that were given to the participants as gadgets. Moreover, Tecnocap’s support was valorized starting from the press conference of 23 September and the relative press release.

The event has had great success: from its first edition up to now, the Festival has reported great results, highlighting a growing interest in topics related to sustainability.

In 2021, the Festival recorded:

  • Over 770 events;
  • 110,000,000 contracts thanks to RAI contracts
  • 22,000,000 people reached by the live streams with 1.5 million views
  • 50,000,000 impressions on social networks with the hashtag #FestivalSviluppoSostebile and #Stiamoagendo
  • 100,000 people reached with 175,000 views of the live streams of the event of the ASviS.
  • Over 45,000 people reached and 25,000 views
  • More than 646,000 views on Twitter and 595,000 views on Facebook

Due to the importance of the Festival and the success obtained, Tecnocap is sure it will keep on supporting the event in its future editions, hoping to be able to help reach always more people with sustainable topics.

About ASviS:

The Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) brings together almost 300 member organizations among the civil society, aims to raise the awareness of the Italian society, economic stakeholders and institutions about the importance of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and to mobilize them in order to pursue the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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