This section provides financial data and Corporate Governance information for Tecnocap Group.

Investor Relations

Massimo Santomauro
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Tecnocap Group is a global leader of metal packaging with 10 production facilities in Europe, USA and in India, 3 research and development centers and a commercial and technical presence in more than 100 countries, with more than 1100 employees.

Tecnocap Group works in the field of metal packaging through the production and sale of metal closures for glass and plastic jars in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, alcohol and wine industries.

In 2017, aluminum bottles and aerosol cans started to be produced, marking the birth of a new business, which aims at the expansion and diversification of the product and strategic for trading synergies and those several relations with the core business of metal closures.

Within the next 3 years, the Group aims at becoming successful in the international reality of metal packaging, through the organic growth of volumes and a targeted strategy of M&A, aimed at the acquisition of strategic realities in several packaging businesses.

This section makes available separate and consolidate Financial Statement of Tecnocap Group filed at the Companies Register, included the Supplementary Notes, Report on Operations, Minutes of Approval, Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors and Certification of the Audit Firm.

On November 4, 2014 Tecnocap S.p.A. gained the Elite Certificate by Italian Stock Exchange.
This recognition was given to the presence of the Italian and European financial community.
The Italian Stock Exchange with London Stock Exchange established ELITE, a unique integrated service platform providing industrial, financial and organizational skills to overcome the challenges of international markets.

ELITE is addressed to the best operating Italian companies, and with a three-steps program supports them to trace the path to success, fits them in with a unique process of cultural and organizational change, brings them closer to capitals markets, improves their relations with the banking system and entrepreneurship to facilitate the internationalization.
A company included in the ELITE project is more transparent, efficient, visible and attractive to potential investors.
This goal is part of Tecnocap S.p.A. approach to the stock market and the capitals market.


Trasparency of information in compliance with rules


Adoption of the IAS/IFRS International Principles and Standards


As International Accounting Firm


As Trasfer Pricing and Rating International Advisor


As Credit Rating Agency


Requirements of a Listing Company


Company Protection against risk of offences – ex D.Lgs. 231/01 Ethical Code

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