Partnerships for the Goals”, which is the objective number 17 of the UN Agenda 2030 for a Sustainable Development, is based on the idea that the SDGs can be reached only through strong global partnerships and the international cooperation at all levels, aiming at the mobilization and exchange of knowledge, technical skills, technology and resources.

Tecnocap supports multi-lateral partnerships and coalitions to promote a dialogue with more stakeholders in terms of Sustainable Development, climate change fight and individual and social wellbeing. Moreover, it spreads the knowledge regarding these themes and supports projects in several sectors and geographic areas.

The Sustainable Development Festival, organized by the Alleanza italiana per lo sviluppo sostenibile (ASviS), takes place in Italy and online from October 4 to October 20 and is one of the most important events of the European society dedicated to the UN Agenda 2030, in order to inform and raise awareness of individuals, companies, associations and institutions, regarding economic, social and environmental sustainability.

Every year, the Festival hosts many events (over 3500 in 5 years) in the most varied formats: meetings, seminars, workshops, exhibitions and shows. The 2022 edition includes more than thousands initiatives, three events organized by the ASviS (it will also be an occasion to present the Annual Report with regard to the SDGs) and national telematic events. Moreover, the partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation will be strengthened. Also this year, thanks to the involvement of the Italian diplomatic offices, the partnership will contribute to spread the messages of the manifestation also abroad.

Tecnocap Group has been partner of the last two editions of the Festival with the distribution of its special edition of aluminum bottles which are reusable, recyclable and made of 100% recycled aluminum, with the EPD certification.


ASviS is a net of more than 300 organizations of the Italian society, born upon the initiative of the Unipolis Foundation and the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. Its aim is to raise the awareness of the Italian society, economic stakeholders and institutions about the importance of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and to mobilize them in order to pursue the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Alliance organizes the Festival together with its associates and with the supports of its Partners: Coop, Costa, Enel, Lavazza, Tim, Unicredit, Unipol. L’iniziativa vedrà anche quest’anno Ansa e Rai in qualità di Media Partner. The Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility will be an institutional partner.

Tecnocap Group

Tecnocap Group, global metal packaging manufacturer, is specialized in the production of metal closures for glass jars and plastic containers, aluminum bottles and aerosol. 80% of its turnover is realized abroad, among Europe, North America and Asia. In 2021, the Group realized a consolidated turnover which goes beyond 220 million euros with nine plants, three R&D centers and over 1000 employees.

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