Here comes the Sun: Tecnocap’s solar energy project

Tecnocap USA is completing its solar energy roof project in the Glen Dale plant. The 70,000 square feet roof will be maintained, renewed and ready for the new solar panels. The solar panels will take up an area of about 53,000 square feet and generate approximately 600 kilowatts.

The most obvious advantage of the solar panels is that they will reduce electricity costs, providing a consistent level of power. Other advantages of the new solar panels are an extended life for the roof and the reduction of interior temperatures by blocking the sun’s rays.


The solar panels are placed in a stationary angle facing south, providing the best performance. The panels will be situated in mountings that will use weights to hold the panels in place. This type of installation keeps the roof warranty intact and avoids drilling.

There are many different types of solar panels. The ones being used are monocrystalline panels. These premium panels are characterized by a high efficiency rate and high lifetime value. They perform much better under high temperature changes than other types of panels. Once the installation begins, it should take around 2 or 3 weeks, weather permitting. At the end of the expected life of the solar panels, they will maintain an efficiency of 83%.


About Tecnocap

Tecnocap is a global metal packaging manufacturer, specialized in metal closures for glass jars and plastic containers. Here, they are the third biggest producer of closures for food, baby food and beverage packaging. The Group is also emerging as a global leader for integrated packaging solutions, i.e. aluminum monobloc aerosol cans and aluminum bottles for some of the world’s best-known consumer brands in food, beverages, spirits, cosmetics, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, industrial and household products.

Our commitment goes beyond providing the best quality product. We help our clients succeed by enhancing the identity of their brand and preserving the safety of their product. We work as partners and advisors to our clients, improving existing products and developing new designs & engineering solutions.

Sustainability is a key point for all our activities and strategic decisions.
Tecnocap works closely with our customers to support them in reaching their sustainability targets by providing responsible packaging solutions.

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